Become one with your bike. Without complaints and comfortable cycling. Optimal performance on a bike that is perfectly adjusted for you. Never have to doubt the adjustment of your bike again. Visit the Biomechanieker for a bike fitting and experience the difference immediately!

Why to choose De Biomechanieker:
- A specialist in bicycle biomechanics.
- Your bike is optimally adjusted during the bike fitting session.
- Independent, without any ties to a brand or store, so you get material-independent, unbiased and honest advice.
- No different bike fit packages, everyone gets the best package.
- Personal approach and full attention to you and your specific situation.
- Personalising the bike for better performance.
- With focus on injury prevention and elimination of bicycle-related health problems.
- Suitable for everyone, from people who are starting to cycle to professional cyclists.
- Bike fittings are not time-limited, the bike fitting session is finished only when the work is done.
- Strive for 100% satisfaction.
- Collaborate with the Sport Medical Center Sparta Rotterdam.
Highly rated: Check out our reviews about what customers are saying about de Biomechanieker.

I am Aron Kremer and welcome you to De Biomechanieker in Heenvliet and Rotterdam. Eight years ago I founded De Biomechanieker after I personally experienced the benefits that a good bike measurement or bike fitting had on my own cycling experience. It changed my bike riding life and I wish everyone this same feeling of ‘sitting perfectly on the bike’.
I have been an active cyclist for 11 years. Started with the junior categories at age 17 and ended up with a continental team in Belgium. My years of cycling at a semi-professional level have given me a good insight into the professional peloton, and have gained me a lot of experience that helps with the bike measurements and bike fits.
Unfortunately, I have personally also had many health-related complaints caused by an incorrect cycling position. I struggled with recurring back and knee complaints that greatly reduced my cycling pleasure. Since that time I tried to do everything I could to alleviate these issues and tried many things you may recognise: endlessly trying different adjustments, stopping my ride to move the saddle, changing my cleats’ positions, buy and try different saddles, tilt the handlebars, ask advice from bicycle shops, fellow cyclist friends and team leaders, and to look up all the ‘rules of thumb’ online and try them out. Sometimes there was an improvement, more often not. After all of this did not manage to make the complaints go away, I spent a lot of time to measure my own ideal cycling position. When I found out my perfect position and the complaints went away I was ecstatic and my enjoyment for cycling came back, and I now know how to achieve this on any new bike I got afterwards!
Finding the perfect position on the bike has given me a lot in the last years of my cycling career. From relaxation, comfort, the disappearance of bicycle-related complaints, but also knowing and feeling that every pedal stroke is a hit. Knowing that I got the most out of my bike rides and races gave me a lot of satisfaction during these years. For this reason I would like to share my knowledge during a bike fit to give you this same feeling on your bike.
During the bike fit I do my best to get to know you well in order to give you tailor-made advice. I want to maintain a 100% satisfaction rate among my customers. In the period after the bike fit I want to stay in touch with you to hear about your progress and first experiences.
Hopefully I can get to know you soon and help you find that perfect cycling position!

It is my mission to really make a difference for people. Every day I see people with different reasons to come and do a bike fit. From serious physical complaints to simply wanting to cycle even faster. For me, every bike fit is a new ‘contest’ to find the optimal posture for each person. Since no person is identical, it therefore requires a specific approach during the bike fitting. During this process I will explain to you each step so that you understand the importance of each step in the process. In addition, I do my utmost to also teach customers something that will benefit them for the rest of their cycling life.
I do not use a bike fitting system with motion sensors or laser beams that other bike fitters use, because these cannot account for all intricacies for each individual step in the process. At De Biomechanieker, the adjustment is done entirely on the basis of my acquired knowledge and experience, with your physique as the starting point. I learn something new from every customer which makes me a better bike fitter.
During the bike fit you will be able to notice the effect of certain adjustments to the bike and what this can mean for you. Hopefully I can let you experience this soon so you know what I am talking about!
The starting point of my working method is “biomechanics”: a movement theory in which movements of joints, muscles and limbs are studied.
To be able to move properly, whether you walk, skate or play tennis, the movements between joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves must be properly coordinated. This is also the case on the bicycle. An injury to the knee does not necessarily have to come from the knee, this can also come from another part of body related to the movement chain. When an adjustment of the bicycle is not correct, this has a negative influence on the rest of the posture and movement. More info.
I work at two locations:
In Heenvliet in a custom built workspace, and (since 2021) in the Sport Medical Center (SMC) of Sparta Rotterdam.
On Wednesdays you can find me at SMC Sparta Rotterdam, and on all other days (including weekends) in Heenvliet.
Address data:
Blicksteijn 2
3218 AA Heenvliet
On the Wednesdays:
Spartapark -Noord 1
3027 VW Rotterdam